Blizzard Speeds Up Efforts to Improve Storage Space in Diablo 4

Responding to fan requests, Blizzard Entertainment appears to be accelerating its efforts to enhance the storage space in the upcoming Diablo 4. The associate game director, Joe Piepiora, recently addressed the issue during a developer livestream. Piepiora acknowledged the concerns raised by fans, stating that the team has been discussing potential solutions and formulating plans to rectify the situation. He admitted that although the process may be slower than fans would like, it's vital for the team to ensure the changes are implemented correctly. Piepiora also pointed out the technical complexities involved in expanding the game's storage space. The team is exploring various methods to tackle this issue while aiming to deliver the changes promptly. Despite expressing the team's commitment to move at a brisk pace, Piepiora cautioned that some fixes may be more technically challenging to implement than others. This suggests that the anticipated changes may not be implemented all at once but rather in stages. General Manager Rod Fergusson reiterated the importance of taking the necessary time for thorough testing and stability checks. He explained that the actual development time consists not only of the implementation phase but also of the rigorous testing phase. This is to ensure that any changes introduced are "robust and stable," thereby providing a seamless gaming experience for fans. This might result in fans having to wait a little longer, but the wait will be worth it, as stability is a priority for the team. While fans wait for the implementation of these changes, Diablo 4's Season of the Malignant is expected to kick off on July 20. This new season will introduce fresh threats, a self-contained storyline, and novel customization options for players. An exciting twist is the introduction of malignant versions of elite monsters, offering a more challenging and thrilling gameplay experience. Despite these storage space concerns, Diablo 4 continues to be highly anticipated, especially with its shift towards a more "modern" open-world design. The game's expansive and danger-filled world of Sanctuary seems to perfectly complement the game's dark aesthetics and audacious mechanical design. As we await the start of Diablo 4 Season 1 and the proposed improvements in storage space, gamers can look forward to Amazon Prime Day for a plethora of gaming deals.

  • author
  • Mariana Rocha 09 Jul 2023